Thursday, May 7, 2009
Terrible 2s? Or just Misunderstood Toddlers?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Duvall White Christmas 2008/2009
2008 went out in a grand fashion... with record setting blizzards and flooding... I'm just waiting for the locusts to come ;)
Jack, Nate and Gabbi are getting much more vocal these days... not always a good thing :P
Jack likes to mimic noises he hears... the garbage disposal, the garbage truck, sounds on the TV. While Nate has picked up the ever familiary phrase from Dora "Backpack Backpack". Gabbi is asking for "movies" which sounds a lot like "mommy" and also wondering where her brother is "Where's Nate" which comes out more like "wess nt".
They are also becoming much more proficient at getting into things, a skill I am not so happy to see them develop further. We have to take some of their toys out of the room because they have been moving them around to use them to get up onto things (counters) or over things (gates) and get access to things they shouldn't, like gas stove tops. I've had to double all the child locks down on the cabinets, and nothing can be in arms reach, or they will have it.
They are also becoming more affectionate towards each other. When one of them is put in a timeout, i.e. Nate for hitting Jack, where they are put in a pack-n-play in another room, the other two will come up and pound on the door demanding Nate's freedom. It's really pretty cute to see how forgiving they are. They also will give each other hugs, and while it may not look like much of a hug when the one receiving isn't aware it's a hug, but instead a possible attack on whatever they may possess at the time, I can see the intent and it too is very cute.
Nate is starting to show quite the temper. Maybe it's after months of being the doormat, but something has made him a bit more moody lately. He's started to hit the others and throw himself around a bit more... hopefully it's short lived.
Sophia continues to be the best big sister ever, as she is constantly helping out and doing her best to be a good example. She wants to change diapers now, which is sweet, but I'm afraid of what poorly changed diapers may lead to (yikes) as I've seen a few over the past couple years.
In the video included you'll see some of our Christmas dinner with the family, as well as some of the tin foil ball they managed to create while our backs were turned. Also more of the snow we had and some of the kids reactions to it.
Thanks for still reading... if you are :)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
You better be good, you better not pout...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Summer 08 Comes to an End
Thanks to Cori for capturing great pictures all summer long of the kids. Not as many of Sophia in here as I'd like, but then again, she was out playing all the time with her friends, which is the best a summer can get :)
The little ones are into everything these days, any door, gate, cupboard left open the kids know about before anyone and they make a beline for it. When things get quiet... it's time to worry.
Gabbi is picking up more words than the boys, and can already say "eat", "What is it?", "Who is it?", "Dog" which comes out "Go -d" because Kim has been trying to teach her to say "Go Dawgs" so she things that any dog is a "Godawg"... silly Kim, "GO Cougs" is so much more natural ;)
All the kids like to give hugs now, and it melts my heart when I get home from work as they all come up and give me a hug. Of course they also now have huge seperation anxiety when anyone, I mean anyone, leaves out the front door. They throw themselves at the windows by the door and cry till the person is out of view.
We don't get as many looks out public these days, as I think it's less obvious that the kids are all the same age. Even though they are the same height and weight, they must not look as "Triplet-ish" as they did as babies.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The First Haircut(s)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Puddin' Paintin'
Cori, the wonderful nanny you hear so much about, decided that an activity for the kids was a good idea. So in the spirit of Bill Cosby she let them do some Puddin' Paintin'. Gabbi stayed pretty much her fairly clean self, and Nate and Jack did themselves proud by using their faces and hair as a canvas as well.
Right after my last post of the kids being healthy for a month... they all got sick :( and we had goopy eyes and runny noses everywhere.
It also coincided with my trip to visit my mother and sister in Yakima. Sophia had a cough, Nate and Jack had goopy eyes sealing shut when they slept, and Gabbi was alright... until we got home and then it was her turn. You'll see a picture of her in the video where she looks a little under the weather... thats how we all felt for a number of days.
Sophia learned to ride her bike without training wheels tonight... good for her! She learned like in 30 minutes... 25 on the 4th, and then 5 minutes tonight and boom... she was off.
Not much new has happened with the kids since the last post... they are all about the same, but Gabbi is walking, but chooses only to do it sporadically.
Nate is still all smiles, and seems to like to stay up later then the other kids.
Jack is super happy in the mornings... and super crabby at night.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
All Near Walking... What are we in for?
The kids are doing great, and I think we went a whole month without any of them sick (YEAH) (Knock on wood).
Here's how things are shaping up:
Nate: Pretty quiet and content, until he gets pushed over by Jack that is. He's quite the eater and will eat pretty much anything put in front of him. He's caught up to Jack and Gabbi in the near walking category, which is a nice surprise because it took him forever to learn to crawl. Nate also has the most teeth, I think Sophia counted 6 (some are still coming in) but of course this makes him look a bit goofy when he smiles :)
Jack: Jack has become the most needy of the three at this point. He's learned to whine when he wants something and likes to be
Gabbi: She has become the petite eater. She doesn't take handfuls of food and stuff it into her mouth like the boys, but instead eats one piece at a ti
(Jack and Gabbi watch the dogs)
The kids all really love to watch the dogs whenever they get a chance, and you'll hear little screeches as the dogs go runing past the window the kids are looking out of.
Sophia is quite the big sister as I'll often go out to find her reading to Jack, Nate and Gabbi in the morning in their cribs, or playing with
The hardest thing now is trying to change the kids diapers in a reasonable fashion. Now that they are all moving, and now that they are all getting their own need for mobile freedom, it has become quite the task. Jack and Gabbi scurry for the wipes container at any chance and will be pulling out yards of wipes before you even catch on they have it. The butt cream is a highly desired object by all three kids and they all make a beline for it whenever they see it. Getting the kids to lay still while you change a diaper is nearly impossible, as they flip, and flop and move everywhere, so it's all you can do to hold onto them to keep them in one place so feet and stuff aren't dipping into the poo. Then to cap it off, the two kids whose diaper is not getting changed, find it entertaining to try and come over to see what is going on with the diaper that is getting changed. One will grab for the wipes (much needed wipes I might add), while another is grabbing for the soiled diaper(s), and the one being changed is arching their back in a very advanced wrestling maneuver that I have yet to learn how to overcome. Kim and I often break a sweat these days while changing diapers...
Toodles for now... I'll try and be better about updating... really I will.