Cori, the wonderful nanny you hear so much about, decided that an activity for the kids was a good idea. So in the spirit of Bill Cosby she let them do some Puddin' Paintin'. Gabbi stayed pretty much her fairly clean self, and Nate and Jack did themselves proud by using their faces and hair as a canvas as well.
Right after my last post of the kids being healthy for a month... they all got sick :( and we had goopy eyes and runny noses everywhere.
It also coincided with my trip to visit my mother and sister in Yakima. Sophia had a cough, Nate and Jack had goopy eyes sealing shut when they slept, and Gabbi was alright... until we got home and then it was her turn. You'll see a picture of her in the video where she looks a little under the weather... thats how we all felt for a number of days.
Sophia learned to ride her bike without training wheels tonight... good for her! She learned like in 30 minutes... 25 on the 4th, and then 5 minutes tonight and boom... she was off.
Not much new has happened with the kids since the last post... they are all about the same, but Gabbi is walking, but chooses only to do it sporadically.
Nate is still all smiles, and seems to like to stay up later then the other kids.
Jack is super happy in the mornings... and super crabby at night.