Having to manage my sleep without the luxury of taking naps during the day between feedings has been tougher on me, and likewise on Kim. Our nanny Cori is a huge help, but on the days she is not there, the burden falls on Kim... and that can lead to a long tiring day for her.
Luckily, I'm taking 3+ weeks in August to spend with the family (and steal away for a fishing trip!!!)
The babies are getting bigger, and even little Nate is approaching the 10 pound mark.
Smiles are more common now, and no matter how tired you are, you can't help but let it touch your heart and smile back. It's amazing how one smile from a child can make everything better.
Here are some much needed pictures for the blog, I hope you enjoy.
Aunt Yvonne came to visit for a small bit one afternoon, and so I thrust all the kids on her for the picture I love to take so much. :)
Sophia has been a HUGE help! She likes to get in the kids faces a bit too much to give them her love, but she will endlessly run and get binkys, blankets, burp cloths etc... to help out. She has also learned the Cougar fight song and much to Kim's chagrin, she sings it quite often. GO COUGS!
We had a small incident with Nate the other night where I had to take him to the emergency room at Children's Hospital. Net Net is that he is going to have a hernia operation on the 8th of August to repair a hernia on the right side. It doesn't bother him much, but the doctor's say it could be very dangerous if not repaired, so of course... better safe than sorry.
Gabrielle is definitely showing that she is very vocal, and very demanding. Sophia has already nicknamed her "Crabby Gabbi" for the strength of her cry. When she wants something, you know it... and she seems to be wanting more and more these days. She is the one that most wants to be held all the time these days, which can be tough with two others that need it too.
All in all, things are going well. Trips in public are still a spectacle, and almost comical at times. You would be amazed at how many parents of multiples are out there, and they will always come up and commiserate with you ;)
During my time off I plan on building Sophia's playset, visiting with my mother and sister who are coming for a short stint, and going fishing in Idaho with my buddies. But I really plan on spending more time with the kids. I want to spend time with each of the babies aside from feedings, where I get to enjoy them and not just worry about the next task... we'll see how well I pull that off. I also look forward to spending some quality time with Sophia. She is a ton of fun these days and has the best sense of humor. She cracks me up all the time (and drives me nuts at other times... must get that from me)